Super star Mahesh Babu and director Vamsi Paidipally will be seen in the film ‘Maharshi’. Currently the film is in the shooting stage. Pooja Hegde is the heroine opposite Mahesh. Mahesh Babu’s look is already released. Some Stills have come out through leaks. But the Pooja look has not come out yet. But Pooja Look in ‘Maharshi’ was recently released by directors
Mahesh Babu’s cousin Pooja’s look is quite crazy. This look is a good kick for Prince fans. Mahesh Babu looks fresh and looks fresh. Mahesh’s character is named Rishi, as well as the character of Pooja Maha. The romantic look that is released now is that Rishi is in the heart of the mind .. so ‘marshi’ The title of the film, the heroine’s character, is that the character of the Pooja is of great importance.Pooja has a good role in ‘Aravinda Samata’. Her role in the story is of great importance. Pooja is also known for the role in ‘Maharishi’ now.
The film is being produced by Dil Raju, Ashwini Dutt and Prasad V. Potturi on the banner of Vineyanthi Movies and PVP Cinemas. Devi Sri Prasad is doing music. This is the 25th film of Mahesh Babu and his fans are very proud of him. The silver jubilee is going to hit the film super hit.
Mahesh Babu’s cousin Pooja’s look is quite crazy. This look is a good kick for Prince fans. Mahesh Babu looks fresh and looks fresh. Mahesh’s character is named Rishi, as well as the character of Pooja Maha. The romantic look that is released now is that Rishi is in the heart of the mind .. so ‘marshi’ The title of the film, the heroine’s character, is that the character of the Pooja is of great importance.Pooja has a good role in ‘Aravinda Samata’. Her role in the story is of great importance. Pooja is also known for the role in ‘Maharishi’ now.
The film is being produced by Dil Raju, Ashwini Dutt and Prasad V. Potturi on the banner of Vineyanthi Movies and PVP Cinemas. Devi Sri Prasad is doing music. This is the 25th film of Mahesh Babu and his fans are very proud of him. The silver jubilee is going to hit the film super hit.
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