Actor Ranveer Singh has been over cloud nine in the past few months. His personal life and professional success has been the reasons for him beaming so happily of late. His last outing Simmba which is the remake of Jr NTR’s Telugu film Temper has crossed the Rs 200 Cr markand is ruling the roost. While coming to the personal front, he had tied the knot to his long term girl and Bollywood gorgeous diva Deepika Padukone.
Deepika and Ranveer Singh have always been giving relationship goals through their cute tweets to their respective fans. Grapevine suggests that there is a buzz going on about the change in Deepika Padukone’s surname. Indian tradition follows the tradition of adding the husband surname toa girl’s name after marriage. It seems like Ranveer might be thinking of breaking this stereotype. Yes, what you heard is right. During an interview, Ranveer has revealed that he will be adding Padukone to his name. This piece of news of went viral but Ranveer only cracked a joke which was taken too seriously it is learned.
On the other hand, Deepika stated to a leading tabloid that the surname topic had never crossed in their minds. She is enjoying the phase of a regular doting wife, calling him now and then, enquiring about when he is going to come home, what he wants to eat and the usual stuff. Let’s wait and watch and see if they change their surnames or will continue with their own names.
Speaking about movies, Ranveer is looking forward to Gully Boy which is slated for release on Valentines Day February-14. Ranveer has teamed up with Alia Bhatt, for the first time. On the flip side,Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor will be sharing screen space in ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama and Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety ‘s director Luv Ranjan next film that also features Ajay Devgn.
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